Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Dating Data

This is the 1987 version of Match.com. You fill out a questionaire, along with all the other students at your school, pop the data in a computer, and PRESTO, here is the list of people you should be trying to date!

I never dated any of these guys. But I did have a crush on the two that I put little marks next to thier names. And I did date one guy's younger brother. It was all I could do to not confront Kreg Decker in the hall with the evidence that we were made for each other.

As for the rest of them, I think it should be noted that out of the 500+ guys that filled out this questionnaire at my high school NOT ONE was compatible with my answers above 70%. What does that mean? No, seriously. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?

To me these results mean "These are the guys who might sort of like you. Sort of, but not really."

1 comment:

JM said...

Oh God! I remember those! I can't remember who that thing paired me with but what a BAD idea! Especially when they give out phone numbers too. I'm surprised there weren't more cases of stalking in high school because of this..